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Human nature meets 


A Human Story

How it began .. 

In 2019, I created a folder on my desktop and titled it 'Human' 

At this point, I had no idea what style of music, what genre, when I would even write the first song. It was just a gut feeling, probably a combination of events over time had led to the urge to create something reflective of my lived experiences. All I had was 'Human' 


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In this time, I was still releasing songs and videos from a project titled E-Motion which I was really invested in as I wanted to begin to build my brand and sound again. every now and again I would find spare time to add to that secret folder titled 'Human' .. felt like I was having an affair ... who was I keeping the secret from? Dunno

During the terrifying period of COVID and the lockdowns, I remember going for walks and humming into my phones Voice Memos app melodies, lyrics, phrases, just interesting ideas with no rhyme or rhythm or end. It's like deep down I knew it was adding to a string of events that will eventually make sense. 



Something I find fascinating was the fact that I was heavily invested in my health and recovery during this time. I had started therapy sessions to deal with childhood trauma which was affecting the way I experienced everyday life. I went on my own investigation, adventure, or mission of finding out why I had an issue with processing sensory and environmental everyday things, why the constant migraines, self-defeating thought patterns and occasional convulsions. But I always felt like music was always safe, positive and a way to cope through hardship. 


By the end of 2022 I had 40 songs written that had piled up from 2000 voice notes. Now I am wondering just how many times did I go for a walk, but in all honesty those walks were more of a soothing, recovery task that complimented the therapy I was having. I needed those bilateral movements (doctors order), also needed a change of environment, fresh oxygen, space to allow the mind's chatter and things that may come up randomly through the days to do so without masking or being busy. 


I then started to finetune and work on all those voice notes, trying out different chord patterns, drum sounds, instruments and melodic ideas. It definitely was a lot of work and quite the process in becoming better as a songwriter, producer, and singer/rapper. Anytime I had off was spent making progress on the HUMAN project. Until I was able to complete some songs and I knew they were completed when I started exporting them for the purpose of simply listening and enjoying what I had created, like a child proud of his new lego brick model. 

Finally ..

When I realised that I no longer wanted to change anything about a song and was just listening for the enjoyment. I knew it was time to commission a graphics designer for the artwork and start bringing it to life. And now in 2024 3 singles have been released and the project is set for release October 17th. 

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